2019 Annual Faith Coalition Fall Banquet

We are celebrating 10 years!!! "Fighting for Equity and Justice"
This year, the Faith Coalition for the Common Good’s annual fall banquet will be held to celebrate our 10th year anniversary! The banquet will be held on Saturday, September 28, from 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Orr Building, at the State Fair Grounds. Tickets are $40 each and a table of 8 is $320. A celebration reception” will begin at 5:00 p.m. (with a photo booth and vendors) and dinner will begin at 6:00 pm. Contact roytheboss1@yahoo.com to buy a ticket / buy a table.
We are very pleased to announce that our special guest speaker will be Retired US Attorney Jim Lewis!
I'd like to invite you to attend the banquet and also consider sponsoring the event! See the attached sponsorship sheet and ad book form below. We truly appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to the work of the Faith Coalition. Deadline to have a Sponsor Ad in our Program Book is September 16, 2019.
Contact roytheboss1@yahoo.com">roytheboss1@yahoo.com to become a sponsor.
Your investment in the Faith Coalition will help us continue our very important work for equity and justice. The Faith Coalition for the Common Good’s Program Book will be distributed to our member congregations and organizations as well as to the anticipated 500 attendees at the event, which will include local politicians, community, business and religious leaders. Thank you very much for your investment in our work!
Roy Williams, Jr.
President, Faith Coalition for the Common Good
Sponsorship Levels
We invite you to be a sponsor of our 10th Anniversary Banquet! Below are the Sponsorship Levels:
PLATINUM - $5,000
- Full-color business/organization logo on all marketing and promotional materials for this event
- Your business mentioned in all media announcements about the event – TV, radio and print.
- Platinum sponsorship listing in the Sponsors section of the program booklet,
- One full-page color ad on either the back cover, the inside back cover, the inside front cover or one of the center pages of the program booklet, for your organization or business
- One table for 8 to the event
- Online acknowledgement of sponsorship on FCCG’s website and through social media outlets.
GOLD - $2,500
- Full-color business/organization logo on all marketing and promotional materials for this event.
- Gold sponsorship listing in the Sponsors section of the program booklet
- One full-page color ad in the program booklet for your business or organization
- One table of 8 to the event
- Online acknowledgement of sponsorship on FCCG’s website and through social media outlets.
SILVER - $1,000
- Full-color business/organization logo on all marketing and promotional materials for this event.
- Silver sponsorship listing in the Sponsors section of the program booklet
- One full-page color ad in the program booklet for your business or organization
- One table of 8 to the event
Social Justice Warrior - $150
- Half page ad in the program book
- One ticket to the event
- Your name listed under “Social Justice Warrior” in ad book – Those who promote racial and economic injustice
Table Sponsor
- Tickets are $40 each. A table of 8 is $320
- A table at the event will be designated with your name, or the name of your organization.