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Article from Shirlena Dickerson

While I sit and ponder over what Faith Coalition for the Common Good is doing for the community, I also wonder what this community organization is doing for me. Faith Coalition for the Common Good has helped me to increase my faith in myself as well as in the community.

I often wonder how I became associated with this organization and I really do not remember. It has been less than a year but it feels like more. Perhaps while being an active member in the Tom Heard Civil Liberties League or while helping to increase the awareness about early voting and get out the vote in the November election. I now serve as co-chair of the Faith Coalition’s Civil Engagement Team. Somehow, now I realize that God has stepped in and is organizing and guiding my life in such a way where maturity and growth is needed.

Being involved in this group has allowed me to increase awareness about voting by being a spokesperson on T.V. . I am also receiving training and leadership courses. I have been introduced to political persons that in past years I would never have guessed that I would meet. I know that this organization is supposed to be about the community but I cannot deny what it’s done for me. Faith Coalition for the Common Good is a vessel through which it has allowed me to see things , care about things and do things more systematically, therefore bringing about growth and maturity. My faith is stronger now than in the past because I am challenged to step out of my comfort zone. By bringing people together, faith in the community has increased. Now everyone is welcome to bring something to the table with their ideas of how to make a difference. I hope I can continue to make a difference in my community by working diligently in the Faith Coalition for the Common Good.

We will host three candidates forums in the coming months. All are invited to attend.

Pre-primary Mayoral Candidates Forum – January 26 –from 6-8 p.m. at the Operating Engineers Union Hall, 3520 E. Cook
Ward 2 Aldermanic Candidates Forum – February 9 – from 6-8 p.m. at the Operating Engineers Union Hall, 3520 E. Cook
Mayoral Candidates Forum – March 18 – from 6 – 8 p.m. at Lincoln Library

For more information: 217-544-2297